The H&B Team’s Non-Negotiable Wellness and Longevity Habits
It’s a fundamental belief that the pursuit of contentment and harmony through the span of a lifetime is most meaningfully achieved with a combined focus on a holistic lifestyle. This includes factors ranging from nutrition, regular visits to the dentist and doctor, stress reduction, and sleep, to personalized aesthetic treatments, hobbies, and fitness.
It also includes some not-so-obvious daily wellness habits and practices that you may not realize are contributing to your overall well-being, and ultimately to your longevity. To inspire and enlighten, we asked our team to highlight some of their unique—and non-negotiable—habits to nurture a long, quality life.
Connecting with nature.
Walking, hiking, biking, going to the beach, and camping are all ways that our team prioritizes connection with nature in the pursuit of overall wellness. Sheri seizes any opportunity to go completely off grid for periods of time with no internet access, and Marianna grows her own vegetable garden every summer in her community plot.
Stress reduction.
Many of us at H&B practice yoga, meditation, and deep breathing to limit stress; Rutuja takes her practice to the outdoors and the quiet. Dr. Beleznay practices sauna and cold plunging to reduce inflammation in the body, she also enjoys fun, silly dance parties with her kids as a way to reduce stress and lift spirits!
We listen to our bodies’ limits—not just physically, but mentally, and emotionally. We let go of the “small stuff.” We practice good karma, because good things happen to good people. We shift our mindsets from negative to positive.
Quality time.
It was unanimously agreed upon that connection and community are key to mindfulness. Janet likes to combine family time with time in nature: long walks, hiking, and biking contribute to her overall wellness and connectedness. Other popular themes are quality time with friends and family (even via FaceTime), focusing on maintaining and growing important relationships, and prioritizing work-life balance. Cat emphasizes the importance of surrounding herself with positive people and environments.
Traveling and exploring new cultures is an essential piece of many of our wellness puzzles. When Monika plans a trip with her family, she loves choosing destinations that allow her to connect with nature.
Art in any form can contribute to wellness and longevity. Books, music, journaling, painting, sculpting… whatever form it takes, art is an enriching personal connection and expression. For Natalie, it’s making music; playing guitar, piano, and singing with her partner.
After researching the impact of sleep deficit on health, wellness, and life expectancy, Dr. Humphrey is convinced that a good night’s sleep is everything when it comes to health and longevity! She commits to getting at least 8 hours of high-quality sleep, and achieves this by practicing good sleep hygiene: going to bed at the same time each night, making use of sleep accessories like earplugs, a sleep mask, a weighted blanket, a knee bolster, and aromatherapy.
Overall health.
This felt like an important note to end on; please prioritize your health. Sherry makes sure she stays up to date on health screenings such as mammograms, blood work, and regular check-ups with her family physician, as we all should.
What are your unique, non-negotiable wellness habits? We look forward to learning about them at your next appointment.